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Communists on Reddit demand Sony subsidize console

Following Sony's announcement of the upcoming PlayStation 5 Pro console, morbidly obese community members of Reddit took to the internet to demand Sony subsidize more of the cost of the console. Cost subsidizing hardware was once a common practice in the console space.

"I will not pay! This level of greed is immoral!" a Reddit user named LoliToucher replied to news of the announcement.

"Sony's loss, more money for funko pops!' replied user DoritoKeyboardStains.

One user considered starting a GoFundMe, "disability doesn't pay enough for me to upgrade from my PS5!"

Artwork (AI) of an "average Redditor gamer man (male)"

We reached out to members of the community to figure out why they feel entitled to pressuring Sony into taking a greater loss on their hardware.

"Corporate greed. CEOs. can't consoom," replied one Redditor in typical tankie gibberish.

"F- Sony, guess I'll spend $2,000 on a PC instead!" said one user who keeps a copy of the Communist Manifesto on his night table next to several boxes of highly priced LEGO sets.

"We were talking about having a kid this year, guess we'll have to put that off for now..." replied one distressed Redditor. This begs the question: why are adults playing children games?

Concept artwork (AI) of the PS5 Pro.

BREAKING: A Highly Desirable collection of rare Trains has come up for Sale, Collectors are Salivating

 Train collectors from around the globe are gearing to break out their wallets for a highly desirable collection of trains is set to go up for auction, drawing excitement from collectors. Described by some as the "holy grail" and a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" the collection includes rarities that were considered mere myths, including one-of-a-kind prototypes.

 Highlights include a Lionel 700E Hudson locomotive prototype from the 1930s, a piece that never went into mass production, making it highly coveted. Known for its precision and craftsmanship, this model represents the pinnacle of Lionel's pre-war engineering and is expected to command a high price.

 The collection also features rare Märklin and Hornby models, including a Märklin HO scale electric locomotive prototype from the 1950s and a Hornby Dublo 3-rail set from the post-war era. These unique pieces showcase the innovation of their respective manufacturers, particularly Märklin’s renowned German engineering and Hornby’s pivotal role in model railroading history.

 This sale offers collectors a rare chance to own prototypes that reflect key moments in model train development. These items, never released to the public, hold immense historical value, making them some of the most sought-after models in the market. Enthusiasts are gearing up for fierce competition at the upcoming auction.

 The opportunity for collectors arrived at the station in the form of the death sentence of two model train-collecting brothers who were found guilty of using a small hobby knife to brutally murder and dismember the bodies of no less than fourteen individuals - ranging from the as young as 4-years old to the ripe old age of 89. "If I had to choose between the two hobbies, it would have been the trains" said one of the brothers regretful about the loss of his prized possessions.

Justice has left the station for these two.
 Also up for sale is the model train railway track, which the brothers said they believed brought new life to the layout with a stunning landscape makeover. The entire terrain surrounding the track was repainted, enhancing the natural features with more realistic colors and textures. Rolling hills now boast richer shades of green, while rocky outcrops have been given more detailed shading to reflect weathering and age. The addition of hand-painted trees and shrubs further adds to the realism, while small details like freshly painted road signs and fences give the scene a well-maintained, lived-in feel. These enhancements create a more immersive experience, bringing the model railway to life in a vibrant, visually appealing way.

Top 3 Reasons Why Calling a Person by their Preferred Pronouns is The Right Thing to Do

 Contrary to popular belief, referring to an individual by their preferred pronouns IRL is perfectly reasonable and doesn't cost you anything.

Reason #1 - It displays social etiquette.

 Referring to a person by their preferred pronouns in public, shows people that you are socially intuitive and understand you don't have to be an asshole to a mentally ill person. Additionally, when in the workplace, it can avoid unpleasant scenarios for your employer - including unwanted negative social media engagement and press.

 In the realm of social etiquette, using a person’s preferred pronouns is a fundamental aspect of politeness. This practice reflects a basic level of respect and acknowledges an individual’s identity. Just as using someone’s preferred name is a courteous gesture, addressing someone by their chosen pronouns demonstrates attentiveness and respect for their personal identity.

Artwork (AI) of an "average transwoman".

Reason #2 - The trans phenomena will increase the chance of success for your own progeny, by eliminating competition.

 In an age where there's a hundred applications for a single job, wouldn't it be nice if your children had less competition? By encouraging the transition of others, you're increasing their likelihood of sterilization and therefor creating a future for your children with more opportunity.

 For transgender individuals, using the correct pronouns is especially important. Misgendering, or using incorrect pronouns, can lead to dysphoria - which may in turn "snap them out of" their delusion. By using a trans person’s preferred pronouns, you not only avoid causing unnecessary distress but also show that you recognize and validate their identity - and therefore, keep them engaged in their alternate reality. This small act of politeness helps create a more inclusive and respectful environment for everyone as well as help cull society of the mentally off-balanced.

Reason #3 - You can still laugh at Transgenderds online.

 Depending on your locality and place of employment, you may be required to "go with the flow" (or even prefer to do so with a sense of stoic, complacent superiority), you can still troll on the internet to your heart's content. It's a good way to remind transwomen they're not actually women - despite how nice people may be IRL. This disassociation of understanding further exacerbates their mental imbalance.

"I was born this way" says Transfluencer who got over $500,000 of Transition-related Expenses, and wants to bill You (the Taxpayer) it


 Along with the rallying cry "I was both this way", Transgender communities - be it on Reddit, X / Twitter, or TikTok - frequently employ phrases such as "it's a medical necessity" or "I'll k*ll myself if I can't transition" and thus require hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Transition-related expenses. It makes a person wonder how Homo Sapiens have survived over 200,000 years without a well-paid gender therapist telling white boys to chop their manhood off.

 This is the story of a fledging TikTok star caught out attention when she speedran a trust fund inheritance down to 0. It was a perfectly valid decision that she claimed "saved her life" and you're a bigot if you disagree.

 Transfluencer TikTok darling "Alice" (formerly Joey) Richards is a riches-to-rags story about a trust fund twink who was aging out - losing his boyish cuteness as he marched into his mid-20's, hair beginning to thin, and maybe even getting a little chubby flub on the tummy tum. Having grown up the son of a CFO for a major cafe chain, he was granted the wish of hair plugs by daddy dearest - who cut him a check and sent him off to Turkey.

 With the money in his bank account, rather than spend the full amount on a reputable doctor, Joey shopped around, booked an appointment, and killed time shopping for luxury goods with the rest of the money at the famous Zorlu Center.

Joey awkwardly posing with a Prada bag.
After scoring some OxyContin from a TikTok connect, Joey was ready for his hair plugs - declaring "beauty is pain" and "it will all be worth it." However, the end result of Joey's cut rate doctor visit didn't quite go as planned.


Taking to social media to thrash the doctor, Joey asked daddy dearest to cut another check. When this didn't work, Joey threw a fit and declared herself to be a Transgender woman named "Alice".

We can only imagine the look on her father's face, when his son went the twink-to-trans pipeline, but we do know that daddy didn't cut a check to "Alice", due to the aftermath that followed.

The pain...

The internet reacted, papa bear was soon exposed, all hell rained down and "Alice" was made to remove her TikTok post and issue an apology.

"Alice"s posts devolved into depressing, morose, suicide baiting. Why was she so unfortunate? Why was she born in the wrong body? She would often post "prayers" to God (on TikTok) wondering why she was forced to "bear the cross of transwomanhood". The more she whined and suicide baited, the more followers she got. After a supposed suicide attempt (bullshit), she announced a GoFundMe for her transition - that's right POOR POOR little (trust-fund baby rich) girl, needed your money.

Her campaign was a success.

So off to the doc to get the chop-chop, breasts installed, and new hairplugs right? If only our story was that simple... no, no, we're just getting started here.


 Weeks went by without word from "Alice", many began to speculate she was off the radar gettin' work done. However word soon spread from "Alice"s dear friend "Lilly". "Lilly" claimed to have organized the GoFundMe on "Alice"s behalf. Some didn't take her at her word because the GoFundMe clearly lists "Alice G" as the organizer, but "Lilly" claimed that's just how she set it up after "Alice" asked her to do the grunt work - in exchange for some of the funds to be shared for "Lilly"s own GRS surgery. "Alice"s fans and donors were upset - about "Alice" screwing over "Lilly" and about "Alice" promising "Lilly" funds in the first place - but the controversy pretty quickly simmered down when they decided they would wait for "Alice" to resurface and share her side of the story before jumping to conclusions.

 According to "Lilly", she was contacted by "Alice" two months later - hospitalized for overdose of an unspecified drug... all the money was gone... no "gender affirming" work had been done.

 "Alice"s followers smelled bullshit and began dropping like flies, many people were disillusioned - just as many, however, called for compassion. "Alice" touched by these calls of compassion resurfaced on TikTok, claiming she was drugged, raped, and robbed of all the money after stopping by a "supposed friend's place" on the way to depositing it... Idiots believed her, so another GoFundMe was raised, however detractors reported it as a scam and it was removed.

 "Alice" was now at her darkest, no money, no longer able to post GoFundMe's, and her BFF "Lilly" was no longer answering DMs. However, fate would strike in "Alice"s favor... she gleefully announced her "bigoted" father died, leaving "Alice" with a sizeable inheritance.

 "Alice" began flashing the money on TikTok, travelling to exotic destinations around Europe, and when the pressure began to build from followers to get her trans-reaffirming surgery, she went big.

Over the next three years she would post the receipts, bragging about the expensive operations:

  • Genital removal, "vagina" installation - $75,000
  • Genital revision x2 - $15,000 each
  • Facial feminization surgery (from nosejob, to jaw shaving, and everything in between) - $100,000
  • Tracheal shave (shaving the Adam's apple) - $10,000
  • Breast implants / augmentation - $15,000
  • Voice Feminization Surgery - $10,000
  • Full Body Laser Hair removal surgery - $15,000
  • Butt injections: $7,500
The photos that were included were horrifying:

One of "Alice"s many FFS.

For three years straight, her TikTok became a trauma-pron wet dream. Many started to fear "Alice" had become addicted to surgery, though others called such concerned citizens "transphobic" for not supporting her quest for "Trans conforming care". After another revision or two, the NSFL photos stopped hitting TikTok and what followed were no shortage of photos where "Alice" refused to show off her mug:

Long-armed, long footed, skirt-go-spinny "Alice" hiding her mug.

 "Lilly" had been active around this time as well, documenting her own journey into transwomanhood via a daily videoblog (since nuked). However one of the videos was recorded at "Alice"s mansion - the two had since rebonded and were now in a "lesbian" relationship. While "Alice" did not appear on camera, "Lilly" dished out the goods - things were not all they seemed in "Alice"s wonderland...


 Spoken in a more euphemistic way by "Lilly", "Alice" had blown through her father's inheritance in less than two years and had been racking up charges on large-balance with a purse full of credit cards. In addition to the house being utterly trashed, it was being repossessed by creditors.

 Many of the procedures were placed on the credit cards, and under pressure from courts to pay back the money, or face bankruptcy - "Alice" posted her final TikTok before nuking her account from orbit.

 In the video, "Alice" rallied her audience to pressure politicians for her debt from gender affirming surgery to be paid from taxes - using the same old tired tropes about it being a "medical necessity" and a "human right".

 Reminder, here's a list of "life-saving" cosmetic services "Alice" expected you (the taxpayer) to pay for, and if you disagree you're "literally committing genocide":

  • Genital removal, "vagina" installation - $75,000
  • Genital revision x2 - $15,000 each
  • Facial feminization surgery (from nosejob, to jaw shaving, and everything in between) - $100,000
  • Tracheal shave (shaving the Adam's apple) - $10,000
  • Breast implants / augmentation - $15,000
  • Voice Feminization Surgery - $10,000
  • Full Body Laser Hair removal surgery - $15,000
  • Butt injections: $7,500

This list doesn't even cover cost of living during recovery time, voice training, therapy, etc.

The community quickly turned on "Alice", she was not the poster boy they wanted to champion their cause, and in two days time, her account was nuked from orbit. "Lilly" tried to illicit sympathy and apologize on behalf of "Alice"s PR faux-paus... but the damage was done and "Lilly" hit the delete button on her TikTok account as well.

Actress Amandla Stenberg "[who was Paid $10's of Millions to star in one of the largest Franchises of all time] was thrown to the Wolves"

 The Pajiba reports that the actress who was given the opportunity to star in a production costing ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS (half-a-BILLION with marketing) as part of the largest franchise in film history (Star Wars: Acolyte) - and was undoubtedly paid more money than the journalist who wrote the piece will ever see - was "thrown to the wolves".

What literally happened to Amandla Stenberg according to The Pajiba.

Stenberg, who's past qualifying roles to star as a lead in a franchise include

Just before the release of Acolyte, she had made news for the absolutely not racist comment that her goal of a previous film was to "make people cry". Although she didn't care to repeat this comment, this is apparently what she was referencing when she announced:

There has been a rampage of vitriol that we have faced since the show was even announced... we started experiencing a rampage of, I would say, hyper-conservative bigotry and vitriol, prejudice, hatred and hateful language towards us.

I guess making fun of Star Wars #1 demographic (white, goblin, basement-dwelling incels) wasn't the marketing hit she was hoping for.

Surely after bombing a half-billion-production, Stenberg will be forced to retire from the shame of aiding and abetting the destruction of a historic franchise, banished from Hollywood crying into her hundreds of millions... oh wait she's already on another half-billion dollar production lol.

Earlier this year she released a music video speaking out against anyone who wanted to take away her Second Amendment rights of being a racist... by calling them racist. Uno Reverse bitches:

Vegetarians continue their Hateful Campaign of Herbicide

 Plants are the most peaceful and vulnerable lifeforms on our planet... but following a vegetarian rally today in Washington DC, it is clear that these gracious green gifts from God are under RENEWED ATTACK today from vegetarians.

People have lived in harmony with plants for at least a thousands years. They've frolicked through meadows, enjoyed a game of ball on a field of green, even watered and cared for plants in their own homes.

However, not everyone sees through the same rose-colored glasses. Vegetarians would prefer to devour them, leaving a green-tinted bloody trail of chlorophyll. 

The site of a massacre.

Yes, vegetarians actually expect you to eat leaves (lol) like some kind of caterpillar. It's no surprise why vegetarianism is linked to mental illness:
A meta-analysis on vegetarian diets and mental health identified only 13 eligible studies and concluded that vegan or vegetarian diets were associated with a higher risk of depression (odds ratio: 2.142; 95% CI: 1.105–4.148) and lower anxiety scores (mean difference: −0.847; 95% CI, −1.677–[−0.018]) in the whole sample (Iguacel et al., 2021). In general, higher-quality studies and those in populations younger than 26 years suggested a higher risk of all types of mental disorders in vegetarians and vegans compared with omnivores (Iguacel et al., 2021).
Anyone surprised? Didn't think so.

A typical plant enjoyer (before).

A typical vegetarian (after).

Noone knows why vegetarians seek to promote their lifestyle of hate, but he refused to make a statement so it will remain a mystery.

BREAKING: Kid Rock sues Trump Admin for Unauthorized use of Music, calls Trump "Woke" for choosing Trans Running Mate

 Recently over THIRTY musical artists came out against the Donald Trump Administration for unauthorized use of music on his campaign trail - some of whom are suing him. But one name we never expected to join that list was Kid Rock. Has he gone Woke? No... according to him, quite the opposite.

Mr Rock (no relation to the wrestler) making the announcement.

 "I am sickened by [the Trump Administration] choosing closet Transgender J.D. Vance as the Vice President. I used to think [President] Trump had family values, but the only thing he values is Money even if that means embracing Wokeness," Mr Rock said. Kid Rock is of course referring to the recent photo leaks of J.D. Vance in full drag attire. The photos were released by who Vance claims is his former "Transgender roommate", however the person in question claims "of course we were lovers, it was a one bedroom apartment!"

J.D. Vance

 Prior to the leaks, J.D. Vance courted controversy when a moment from his auto-biographical "Hilbilly Elegy" surfaced wherein he committed sexual acts on a couch. Prominent Evangelical pastors signed a petition to the Trump Administration, urging them to drop Vance, criticizing the assault as "an unnatural relationship in the eyes of god".

 Vance has yet to comment on the photos of his time living as a Transwoman, but many conservatives - who aren't so fond of the big city ways - continue to question Vance's reform back to a cismale as he is widely believed to continue wearing eyeliner.

Fact-researching website Snopes.com rates this claim as TRUE:

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