
Spotlight on: Portrait of a Masterpiece

 Since many of my fans have written in asking if this is my real photo, I decided to answer the question once and for all. Yes, this is my photo, this is what I really look like, and I'm definitely NOT a 23 year old white boy living in the deep south in his momma's basement.

Furthermore, those accusing me of using "AI", please stop your campaign of hatred against Black folx and our buttery smooth skin which retains it's beauty like a fine Italian leather as we age. I understand when you aging pale goblins look in the mirror each day that you see a cracked (wrinkled), weathering semblence of the yesteryear, but of all the cliche sayings about Black folx, "Black don't crack" rings true. Enjoy your overpriced Korean skin products, white devils.

both, mystorymag
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