
Communists on Reddit demand Sony subsidize console

Following Sony's announcement of the upcoming PlayStation 5 Pro console, morbidly obese community members of Reddit took to the internet to demand Sony subsidize more of the cost of the console. Cost subsidizing hardware was once a common practice in the console space.

"I will not pay! This level of greed is immoral!" a Reddit user named LoliToucher replied to news of the announcement.

"Sony's loss, more money for funko pops!' replied user DoritoKeyboardStains.

One user considered starting a GoFundMe, "disability doesn't pay enough for me to upgrade from my PS5!"

Artwork (AI) of an "average Redditor gamer man (male)"

We reached out to members of the community to figure out why they feel entitled to pressuring Sony into taking a greater loss on their hardware.

"Corporate greed. CEOs. can't consoom," replied one Redditor in typical tankie gibberish.

"F- Sony, guess I'll spend $2,000 on a PC instead!" said one user who keeps a copy of the Communist Manifesto on his night table next to several boxes of highly priced LEGO sets.

"We were talking about having a kid this year, guess we'll have to put that off for now..." replied one distressed Redditor. This begs the question: why are adults playing children games?

Concept artwork (AI) of the PS5 Pro.

both, mystorymag
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